Freeplane: Unlocking Free Lunch in Triplane-Based Sparse-View Reconstruction Models

Wenqiang Sun 1,3,   Zhengyi Wang 2,3,   Shuo Chen 2,   Yikai Wang 2,   Zilong Chen 2,3,  
Jun Zhu 2,3,   Jun Zhang 1



2 Tsinghua University


3 ShengShu


Creating 3D assets from single-view images is a complex task that demands a deep understanding about the world. Recently, feed-forward 3D generative models have made significant progress by training large reconstruction models on extensive 3D datasets, with triplanes being the preferred 3D geometry representation. However, effectively utilizing the geometric priors of triplanes, while minimizing artifacts caused by generated inconsistent multi-view images, remains a challenge. In this work, we present Frequency modulated triplane (Freeplane), a simple yet effective method to improve the generation quality of feed-forward models without additional training. We first analyze the role of triplanes in feed-forward methods and find that the inconsistent multi-view images introduce high-frequency artifacts on triplanes, leading to low-quality 3D meshes. Based on this observation, we propose strategically filtering triplanes features and combining triplanes before and after filtering to produce high-quality textured meshes. These techniques incur no additional cost and can be seamlessly integrated into pre-trained feed-forward models to enhance their robustness against the inconsistency of generated multi-view images. Both qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate that our method improves the performance of feed-forward models by simply modulating triplanes. All you need is to modulate the triplanes during inference.

Method Overview

Figure 1.Freeplane Framework. (a) Feed-forward Pipeline. A single image is input into the multi-view diffusion model to generate six-view images, which are then fed into the triplane decoder. By querying the triplane features, Flexicubes are extracted to produce the textured mesh. We adopt the Freeplane approach on the triplanes. (b) Freeplane Operation Low-frequency filtering is applied to modulate the original triplanes. Triplanes before filtering are used to compute texture-related features, while those after filtering are utilized to predict mesh geometry.

Generated Meshes

More Results

Freeplane Results

Comparison between meshes from original triplanes and Freeplane. The first column is from CRM, and the second column is from InstantMesh.


  title={Freeplane: Unlocking Free Lunch in Triplane-Based Sparse-View Reconstruction Models},
  author={Sun, Wenqiang and Wang, Zhengyi and Chen, Shuo and Wang, Yikai and Chen, Zilong and Zhu, Jun and Zhang, Jun},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.00750},